Verlässliches Know-How
Hohe Qualitätsstandards
Schneller Versand


Header mit Antennen auf Autodach
Header DriveTests
Netzabdeckungskarte aus Messdatenportal

Our technology

Thanks to our specially developed, innovative mobile mea s technology, we can provide you with comprehensive evaluations and high-quality measurement data. Our evaluations contain valuable information about the mobile network and its quality. Furthermore, you can derive relevant improvements for your location and identify expansion potential.

Your advantages with the DriveTests

Icon weiße Flecke mit Lupe

Identification of white spots

Icon mit zwei Pfeilen

Ensuring continuous voice and data communication

Icon Lupe mit Pfeile

Control of the expansion obligations of the network operators

Icon Empfangsabbruch mit Kreuz

Avoidance of reception interruptions

Icon Übersicht

Overview of the network coverage of your city

Icon als Quadrat in Quadrat

Identifying expansion potential

We offer you support

Due to the fast measurement and the extensive data analysis, you will receive a comprehensive overview of your current radio status and concrete suggestions for improvement within a very short time.

Icon Funkmast

All radio technologies

We can survey your areas in 2G/3G/4G/5G, NB-IoT, LTE-Cat. M1, LoRa, wM-Bus and WLAN surveying.

Illustration Provider Auswahl

Provider independent measurement

Whether Telekom, Vodafone or Telefonica, we proceed provider-independently and do so in over 300 networks throughout Europe.

Icon Laptop

Display of the measured values

In our measurement data portal, the measurement data are clearly processed for you.

Icon Team

Highly qualified team

Our specially trained team for measurement technology carries out the measurements professionally for you.

Icon Expertise, Pfeil mit Zahnrädern

Expertise of the ENQT

Thanks to our many years of experience, we can provide you with comprehensive advice.

Icon Funkmast
Illustration Provider Auswahl
Icon Laptop
Icon Team
Icon Expertise, Pfeil mit Zahnrädern

All radio technologies

We can survey your areas in 2G/3G/4G/5G, NB-IoT, LTE-Cat. M1, LoRa, wM-Bus and WLAN surveying.

Provider independent measurement

Whether Telekom, Vodafone or Telefonica, we proceed provider-independently and do so in over 300 networks throughout Europe.

Display of the measured values

In our measurement data portal, the measurement data are clearly processed for you.

Highly qualified team

Our specially trained team for measurement technology carries out the measurements professionally for you.

Expertise of the ENQT

Thanks to our many years of experience, we can provide you with comprehensive advice.

Let the experts advise you

Do you have questions about our products or are you interested in our consulting services?
Send me your inquiry!

Your contact for our SignalInsight service DriveTests
Christian Schuhmacher
+49 151 239 127 13 /

Mitarbeiterfoto Christian Schuhmacher
Mitarbeiterfoto Christian Schuhmacher

    * Mandatory fields