Verlässliches Know-How
Hohe Qualitätsstandards
Schneller Versand

AMS 2G/3G/4G/5G

Header Netzabdeckungskarte
Header ImmoCheck
AMS Abdeckungskarte als Heatmap

Complete coverage maps for mobile radio

With our solution AMS we survey your areas in high resolution in just a few steps. You also have the option of simply equipping your vehicle fleet with small measuring devices and can thus collect your data in the areas relevant to you. This gives you a quick insight into the real mobile coverage in your region and individual up-to-date coverage maps.

Your advantages with AMS

Icon weiße Flecke mit Lupe

Identification of white spots

Icon Providerunabhaengig

Provider-independent measurement for 2G/3G/4G/5G

Surveying in the Telekom, Vodafone & Telefónica networks

Icon Vollautomatisch mit kreisenden Pfeil und Empfangszeichen

Fully automatic measurement

Icon Dachantenne

Magnetic roof antenna for best measurement results

Icon Abdeckungskarte

Generation of own coverage maps

Your measurement data safely at a glance

As a central location for your performed measurements, ENQT offers a solution for visualizing and exporting your measurements – the measurement data portal

Illustration Laptop mit Interaktiv Zeichen

Interactive map view of the measurement data

Illustration Laptop mit Analyse Zeichen

Simple Analysis of the measured data

Illustration Laptop mit Map Zeichen

Georeferenced location of the measurement data

Illustration Laptop

Color visualization of the measurement data

Illustration Laptop mit Lupe

Quick identification of white spots

Illustration Laptop mit Download Zeichen

Provision of the measurement data as OpenData

Illustration Laptop mit Interaktiv Zeichen
Illustration Laptop mit Analyse Zeichen
Illustration Laptop mit Map Zeichen
Illustration Laptop
Illustration Laptop mit Lupe
Illustration Laptop mit Download Zeichen

Interactive map view of the measurement data

Simple Analysis of the measured data

Georeferenced location of the measurement data

Color visualization of the measurement data

Quick identification of white spots

Provision of the measurement data as OpenData

Let the experts advise you

Do you have questions about our products or are you interested in our consulting services?
Send me your inquiry!

Your contact for our SignalInsight service AMS
Christian Schuhmacher
+49 151 239 127 13 /

Mitarbeiterfoto Christian Schuhmacher
Mitarbeiterfoto Christian Schuhmacher

    * Mandatory fields