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iMSys – intelligent measuring systems

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Simply explained:
iMSys are modern electricity meters that measure electricity consumption digitally and automatically send the data to the energy supplier.

Advamced explanation:

iMSys (intelligent metering systems) are digital electricity meters that are connected to the energy grid via a smart meter gateway (SMGW). They consist of a modern measuring device (MME), which measures energy consumption, and a communication unit (gateway), which enables data to be exchanged between the meter and the grid operator. These metering systems record electricity consumption in real time and can transmit the data directly to the energy supplier. iMSys offer the possibility of carrying out load management and grid control functions, which is particularly important in a smart grid. In addition, iMSys are able to support the integration of renewable energies and the control of consumers such as heat pumps or electric cars.

A household with an iMSys can monitor its current electricity consumption in real time. The grid operator can also access this data to offer dynamic tariffs where electricity consumption is cheaper at certain times, e.g. at night or when renewable energy is highly available. The consumer could use this information to operate energy-intensive appliances such as washing machines or electric cars at optimal times.

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