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6G – Sixth Generation

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Simply explained:
6G is the future generation of mobile communications that will be even faster than 5G. It will enable innovations such as hologram communication and extremely fast connections for many devices.

Advanced explanation:

6G is the future mobile technology that is expected to be available from the 2030s. It will build on the foundations of 5G, but will offer even higher data rates (up to 100 Gbps) and extremely low latency. 6G will introduce the use of frequencies in the terahertz range, enabling even faster and more efficient communication. It is expected that 6G will enable technologies such as holographic communication, AI-powered networks, real-time data processing and new forms of human-machine interaction. 6G will also make fully autonomous systems and an intelligent, networked infrastructure a reality, allowing even closer integration of technologies such as robotics, AI and IoT. One focus is on the provision of wireless networks that are even better designed for highly urbanised areas and extremely high device volumes.

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